A Local Church
The first and most foundational statement about our identity is that we are a local church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus came to build His Church (Matt. 16:18). As a husband loves his bride, so Jesus loves His Church and gave Himself for her (Eph. 5:25). This is why Jesus is appropriately the Head and Savior of the Church (Col. 1:18). Therefore, we who have been baptized into Christ, weekly partake in the Lord’s Table and trust in Him for the forgiveness of sins, and joyfully submit to Jesus Christ as the Lord of the Church.
A Reformed Church
To say that we are a Reformed church is an abbreviated way of saying that we are “Reformed according to the Word of God.” This means that we are a church that seeks continually to reform our beliefs and practices so that they might be securely anchored in the authoritative standard of the Word of God, the Bible (Heb. 6:10). We locate ourselves within the mainstream of historic Christianity and firmly believe, confess and teach the orthodox Christian faith as summarized in the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds.
A Family Integrated Church
We enjoy having our children worship with us. They are part of God’s royal priesthood, just as much as their parents! Jesus singled them out as models for entering the kingdom because of their humble faith, saying “Of such is the kingdom of God!” However, should parents need assistance with their young children, please do not hesitate to ask for help! We’re ready to serve you and your children in any way we can.
An Evangelical Church
The apostle Paul wrote, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…” The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is what forms us as a community, and our mission is to proclaim the message of the gospel to all nations, calling on all people everywhere to faith in and obedience to Christ the King. We bear witness to the gospel in worship, in our relationships with one another, and through intentional evangelism in our community and the world.
A Liturgical Church
The worship service at Christ Church is liturgical. This means that we follow a formal structure in the worship service. You can learn more about the liturgy at Christ Church by clicking the “What To Expect” tab, then the “Worship Guide.”
Our Affiliation
Christ Church is a member of the Communion of Reformed and Evangelical Churches (CREC). To learn more about the CREC, visit CREChurches.org.