Communion (The Lord’s Supper)
Celebrated each Lord’s Day, this ceremonial meal is the invitation for believers as the body of Christ to enjoy table fellowship with the King of kings. In this meal we remember Christ’s death, celebrate the life we now have together in him, and anticipate the future marriage supper of the Lamb. As we pass the elements, we “Pass the Peace” to one another, blessing and being blessed as we give and receive the bread and the wine.
Standing with hands raised, we sing a song of praise and thanks to God, who is the source of all blessings.
Final Thanksgiving
The congregation then joins in a prayer giving thanks to god for all his blessings through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Hymn of Response
This final hymn is sung in response to all that has taken place in the worship service. This is usually a bold hymn of confidence in our King, singing his praise and honoring his name.