Confession of a Creed
The confession of one of the major creeds of the faith is recited as a corporate affirmation of the central tenets of Christianity. These are usually the Apostles’ Creed, or the Nicene Creed.
Scripture Lessons
The public reading of Scripture – Old and New Testaments – is a vital part of the worship and life of the church. From the Scripture we hear from God himself. The Old Testament is a rich record of God’s redemptive work in and through his people pointing to the coming Christ. In light of the new life we have in Christ, we are encouraged and instructed from the reading of a passage from the New Testament. A Gospel Lesson is also read each week by the minister as he walks among the congregation.
The Word Preached
The preaching of the Word is central to Christian worship. The proclamation of the gospel message and its implications is the God-ordained means of correcting and exhorting his people in the ways of godliness.
Pastoral Prayer
During this prayer, the pastor prays for and on behalf of the congregation as we make known our petitions to God for the needs of the congregation and her mission, our leaders, our nation and the world. The congregation participates in the prayer by responding to the minister’s plea, “Father, hear our prayer,” with, “For You are gracious.” This prayer concludes with the congregation saying the Lord’s Prayer together.
Tithes and Offerings
We respond to God’s blessings to us by bringing gifts of tithes and offerings.